Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"C" calling convention

So, what the hell is a calling convention ?

Calling convention is a scheme that specifies how the called function receives the parameter from the caller function and how it sends the results back to the caller function.

Calling conventions can differ in the following respects:

1. Setting up and clearing of the function call(stack frame) between the caller and the callee.
2. How the parameters are being passed from the caller to the callee; i.e. whether the parameters are passed in the registers or on the stack or on both.
3. The order in which the parameters are passed; i.e. from left to right or from right to left.

Here I am going to explain the C calling convention. The calling convention divides the rules between the caller and the callee.

Callers' rule:

1. Save the registers: EBX, ECX, EDX etc. so that their contents are not disturbed during the function call.
2. Push the arguments on the stack from right to left.
3. Call the subroutine.
4. Clean the stack.
5. Get the return status from the subroutine in EAX register.
6. Pop the registers back.

Callee's rule:

1. Save the EBP register, to preserve the stack frame.
2. Move the ESP register into EBP register, make a new stack frame.
Note: The caller does not expect the callee to change the EBP register.
3. Make room for the local variables. As with parameters the local variables will be accessed relative to the EBP register.
4. Save the "callee saved" registers,these are EDI and ESI
5. //Code the callee wants to execute.
6. Place the return value in the EAX register.
7. Restore the values of any "Callee saved" registers i.e. ESI and EDI. Registers must be popped in the reverse order of pushing.
8. Free up the local variables by adding some amount to the ESP register. A less error prone way is to "mov %esp %ebp".
9. Immediately before returning, restore the caller’s base pointer by popping the EBP register off the stack.

Remember, this was the first thing that we did, on entering the subroutine.

10. Finally we do a RET, this will pop off the return address and make a jump to it.

Hope this explains the C calling convention......

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